

19 Uppsatser om Donna Tartt - Sida 1 av 2

Metafysik för vilddjur : En ekokritisk läsning av Donna Tartts The Secret History

Naturen i The Secret History beskrivs både som en ytlig omgivning, som instinkter och lagar, som material eller fenomen. Det ges uttryck både för hur människor kan kontrollera och använda sig av den, och hur det är någonting som står över oss. Detta kan tyda på att naturen, istället för att vara någonting annat än människan, är ett intrikat system av påverkan som vi innefattas i. Samtidigt skiljs dock människan från naturen genom språket, där ord som mänskligt, kultiverat, artificiellt och rationellt får sin betydelse i motsättning till djuriskt, primitivt, naturligt och instinktivt. Djuriskhet skildras tillexempel både någonting som finns inom alla människor, och något som skiljs ifrån det mänskliga genom att benämnas som djuriskt.

Sälformen släpar skinnet : Om naturen i Aase Bergs tidiga diktning

The aim of this study is to describe how nature is portrayed in swedish poet and critic Aase Berg?s two earliest poetry collections, Hos rådjur (1997) and Mörk materia (1999), and how it relates to notions of humanity, culture and civilisation. The concept of ?nature? is problematized in a short survey of how it has been used by and critizised in ecocritical literary theory, which is used as the main theoretical framework for this survey, with an emphasis on selected theoretical concepts by Donna Haraway. As a methodological starting point, ?nature? is tentatively defined as ?that which does not let itself be subsumed under the human, culture or civilisation?, and this definition is contrasted with how the concepts are handled in the texts.The investigation shows that the relationship of nature to the human is a fundamental theme that provides a structure for both poetry collections.

Svensk-Rysk gradmätningsexpedition på Spetsbergen 1898-1914 : Ekonomiska överväganden och förändrade attityder med aspekt på åren 1898, 1902  och 1914

This study concerns the complete oeuvre by the British author Helen Zahavi: Dirty Weekend (1991), True Romance (1994), and Donna and the Fatman (1998). Her novels are here read as a trilogy dealing with the dialectics of gender and violence in 20th century discourse, drawing on theories of how the construction of subjects is produced by power, of the relation between power and sexuality.The heroines of Zahavi?s novels try their best to move about in a world where their freedom of movement is limited to their female identity. In Dirty Weekend the protagonist tries to shoot her way out, claiming revenge on every man that is forcing himself upon her. She gains some freedom of movement by refusing subordination, but does not really change the order of power.

"A huge, tenacious lie" : framställningen av makt i Helen Zahavis författarskap

This study concerns the complete oeuvre by the British author Helen Zahavi: Dirty Weekend (1991), True Romance (1994), and Donna and the Fatman (1998). Her novels are here read as a trilogy dealing with the dialectics of gender and violence in 20th century discourse, drawing on theories of how the construction of subjects is produced by power, of the relation between power and sexuality.The heroines of Zahavi?s novels try their best to move about in a world where their freedom of movement is limited to their female identity. In Dirty Weekend the protagonist tries to shoot her way out, claiming revenge on every man that is forcing himself upon her. She gains some freedom of movement by refusing subordination, but does not really change the order of power.

Dismodernitet och Insektspolitik : En studie av genus, (o)begriplighet och (dys)funktionalitet i Franz Kafkas Förvandlingen

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.

Ormens metaforiska skepnader

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.

Fyra analyser av Edit Södergran

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.

Berättelsen i berättelsen : berättarteknikens effekter i Svindlande Höjder och Frankenstein

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.

Den tigrerade svenskheten : konstruktionen av en ?svensk? identitet i Jonas Hassen Khemiris roman Montecore: En unik tiger

This paper is about the construction of a ?Swedish? identity in the novel Montecore: en unik tiger by Jonas Hassen Khemiri (translated in English to Montecore: the silence of the tiger). In the paper I start by, after a short introduction, introducing the theoretical background against which the novel will be analyzed. The main focus is postcolonial theories with Edward Saids work about making ?the Other? as a base.

Anna Maria LenngrenEtt ?vittert? fruntimmer eller en ?huld? kvinna

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.

Gränser av hud, glänsande kroppar och längtan : En queer närspelning av Mass Effect 3

This essay aims to examine how the synthetic non-human subjects, EDI and Legion, are constituted in terms of their bodies, gender, desire and emotion, in the gaming series Mass Effect. In a close-gaming method I also want to explore in which way the gamer can effect or even change the expressions of the body, gen­der, desire, and emotion made by the synthetic non-human subjects. In order to do this I use Judith Butlers and Sara Ahmeds queer theory, and Donna Haraways cyborg feminism. I concluded that EDI em­braces her embodiments and is given a highly sexualized female body, being more of a woman than a machine. While Legion is rather embracing disembodiment and is given a non sexualized, androgynous male body, be­ing more of a machine than a man.

Gå genom livet utan rädsla : Elevers och lärares läsning av Edith Södergrans dikter ?Livet? och ?Triumf attfinnas till?

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore in what ways Franz Kafka?s ?The Metamorphosis? can be read as a story of gender. By bringing together Judith Butler?s theory of materialization and Lennard J. Davis?s crip theory I have spoken of Dismodernity as the domain of abject bodies that have been repudiated by (post)modern societies as untintelligible and dysfunctional.

Piano, gitarr och dragspel : Kön och instrumentval inom Eskilstunas kommunala musikskola och högre musiklinje åren 1980-2000

The aim of this study is to describe how nature is portrayed in swedish poet and critic Aase Berg?s two earliest poetry collections, Hos rådjur (1997) and Mörk materia (1999), and how it relates to notions of humanity, culture and civilisation. The concept of ?nature? is problematized in a short survey of how it has been used by and critizised in ecocritical literary theory, which is used as the main theoretical framework for this survey, with an emphasis on selected theoretical concepts by Donna Haraway. As a methodological starting point, ?nature? is tentatively defined as ?that which does not let itself be subsumed under the human, culture or civilisation?, and this definition is contrasted with how the concepts are handled in the texts.The investigation shows that the relationship of nature to the human is a fundamental theme that provides a structure for both poetry collections.

Natur, Kropp och Ståndpunkt : Situering och feminismens roll i en era av global klimatförändring

Syftet med min uppsats är att undersöka betydelsen av begreppet situering, så som den formulerats inom feministisk teoribildning, i förståelsen av den ekologiska krisen, samt att peka på feminismens roll i en era av global klimatförändring. Utifrån en mängd (eko-) feministiska teorier närmar jag mig kritiskt ett dominerande epistemologiskt ramverk som jag menar förnekar vår situering. I uppsatsens analysdel granskar jag situeringsbegreppet utifrån tre underteman: 1) Natur, 2) Kropp, och 3) Kunskap. I det första avsnittet gör jag en kort utredning av naturbegreppet, i den andra undersöker jag kroppslighetens roll i hur vi relaterar till naturen, och i den tredje analysdelen tar jag upp hur förståelsen av mänskliga relationer till det vi kallar naturen, är beroende av ståndpunkt. Dessa underteman, belyser olika men sammanvävda dimensioner av hur vi är situerade i världen.

Klimatdebatten behöver feministiska förklaringar : En feministisk, intersektionell objektivitetsanalys av Uppsalas kommunpolitikers uttalanden i klimatfrågan om Ärna flygplats

Min utgång i denna uppsats är att undersöka hur politiker i kommunfullmäktige i Uppsala som röstat för en lågprisflygplats på Ärna i maj 2009, vilket går emot kommunens klimatmål och kommunens eget styrdokument, rättfärdigar sitt agerande. För att komma så nära deras egna röster som möjligt har jag både använt mig av deras egna insändare i den dominerande lokala nyhetstidningen, Uppsala Nya Tidning (UNT)och transkriberat radiointervjuer med dem, som gjorts av Sveriges Radio Uppland, under det aktuella året 2009. Mitt syfte i uppsatsen är att blottlägga hur politikerna konstruerar sina kritiker, som i sin tur leder till skapandet av en specifik position för politikerna själv. Med hjälp av Simone de Beauvoirs teorier om det manliga och universella subjektet och med en diskursanalytisk metod kunde jag kartlägga hur vissa återkommande teman användes för att situera kritiker av politikernas beslut som ?de andra?.

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